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Developer Documentation

Photodash is open source, and although it's still in very early beta and continuing to take shape, contributions are welcomed!

Developing Locally

To develop locally, fork and clone the repository, then go into the rootfs directory and run npm install. In order to run locally, you'll need to connect a database. MySQL or MariaDB are recommended (Postgres should work fine but has not been tested). Populate your database connection string in .env.example and rename it .env, then run npx prisma db push to populate your database with the needed tables. Run npm run dev to start the development server.

Tools and Technologies Used

Photodash is built with SvelteKit and leverages Tailwind for most of its CSS (there are still a few places where other, non-Tailwind CSS is being used from alpha iterations of Photodash, but those are being cleaned up).

Many of the components leverage DaisyUI, a Tailwind plugin, for default styling. Icons are sourced from the Iconify icon framework, and are embedded using the Iconify web component.

Application Structure

Coming soon

Contributions Needed

I will try to keep the issues list updated with items where contributions are particularly needed. At the moment, there are only two varieties of tiles, so there will be issues open for other tiles I'd like to build out. That won't be a comprehensive list, though; if you have other ideas for useful tiles, PRs are welcome.

Contributing to the Docs

This documentation site is open source, and you can suggest edits on any page by clicking "Edit this page" at the bottom of any page. To suggest an entirely new page or section of the docs, feel free to open an issue on Github.